Tag: async

Using await to build cool UI tutorials

In the last post we discussed how we can build custom awaiters and showed simple example how to await for click on the Button instance. Maybe it was not obvious how we can expand that idea and create some useful application, so i decided to expand the whole concept in this post. We are going to build some more complex awaiters (for example TextBox awaiter that awaits for certain text to by typed into it) and use it together with the old Button click-awaiter to build the tutorial on how to use some imaginary app inside of the app itself.…

Awaiting for that Button click

Why wait when we can await? I believe that most of C# developers know about the new language features for asynchronous programming with async and await keywords but how many of us are really exploiting them to full extent? Recently i was watching the excellent C# Language Internals course on PluralSight.com by Bart De Smet and came across very cool idea of using Await to wait for Button to be clicked – which pushed me to write this post and share it with everyone. By implementing a custom awaiter for Button (via extension methods) and hooking up to the Click handler…