Category: Programming

Dot Net Gotcha #1 – List versus Collection constructor

Don’t Google it! Do you know (without Googling it) what will this console application display when executed? If you try to think logically, you expect that both List and Collection will contain numbers from 1 to 6 when they are displayed, right? Wrong, otherwise this would not be a proper gotcha 😉 Here is the actual output of the application (surprise, surprise): Do you know why? Answer is actually very simple. If you check the MSDN documentation for Collection constructor that accepts generic IList you will see this text: Initializes a new instance of the Collection class as a wrapper for…

Another way to close Windows Phone application from code

Correction In my previous post on how to terminate the Windows Phone application i proposed a solution that is not really in accordance with Windows Phone Marketplace Technical Cerification Requirements (see requirement 5.1.2): ” An application that closes unexpectedly fails certification. ” Even though I’m pretty sure that this requirement is not enforced since my apps use this approach and they were never rejected i decided to present another way. Some good people suggested in comments of my previous post that you can terminate current application  simply by calling the XNA Game class Exit method like this: The downside of this is…

How to terminate your Windows Phone application programmatically?

Its weird how in Windows Phone API there is no way to easily terminate your current application. I guess makers of the platform did not wanted us developers to mingle with the application lifetime too much, phone should decide when an app is not needed and terminate it. But i just simply cannot help myself, i always like to have full control, for example in my Offline Browser application i want to end the app if user presses the hardware Back Key multiple times in short time intervals...

Throttling Immediate TextBox Binding Behavior for Windows Phone

The learning curve of a Windows Phone developer While developing Offline Web Browser for Windows Phone i had to build a small MVVM framework in order to keep the logic out of the views. One of the first thing i found missing was a way to force immediate propagation of text entered in TextBox control to the databound property of my ViewModel. By default, TextBox binding is triggered only when control loses focus, and this is kind of lame. Code reuse is not a myth! This is really old problem. It existed in desktop Silverlight from the beginning. And it…