Author: Slobodan Pavkov

Unit testing and mocking internal interfaces with RhinoMocks

Im not the kind of purist that will avoid unit testing internal classes. If its some very important code i want to test it even if its internal. Another case when i want to access internal classes is when i want to test some public class that uses some internal classes (via their interfaces). In this scenario i need to be able to mock those internal interfaces that the public class is using in order to be able to instantiate it and unit test it.

List of useful WordPress plugins to use on your Blog

Let’s face it, Blogging is fun. Why else would millions of people do it? Its creative, it allows you to speak out to the community, to receive feedback and criticism from people that share your interests or hobbies. On the other side, Blogging can be quite tedious activity if you don’t use the right tools for it. To be honest initially i started using WordPress for this blog just because i had some brief experience with it few years ago, and my hosting was supporting it out of the box so i looked no further. And boy was i lucky…

Binding UI Events from View to commands in ViewModel in Silverlight 4

In previous two posts we covered wiring up the Views and ViewModels and Blendability and showing ModalDialogs in MVVM way. Today we will touch another problem that people starting with MVVM very often fail to address properly: Handling the UI Events of the View in the ViewModel while avoiding placing any logic in code behind of the View. So our design goals for this post are: We want to be able to wire-up UI Events to the commands in ViewModel via DataBinding in Xaml without any code behind in the View View should not be aware of the ViewModel’s type…